Recycle Project
We aim to clean, service, repair and make as many of the donated bikes safe to use, those that are unrepairable we aim to strip off usable parts e.g. pedals, seats, mudguards, gears, lights, panniers etc, clean them, store them and utilise these to repair other bikes, sending as little as possible to the recycling centre. We will hold a series of `Dr Bike` pop up sessions where the public can bring their bikes for a free bike safety check, we will undertake basic repairs utilising many of the salvaged bike parts from donated bikes, with no charge to the customer. We will also arrange `pop up FREE bike parts` days whereby cyclist can source bike parts from the salvaged bikes, free of charge, a donation would be welcome though, we will encourage drop off of unwanted bike parts at these events that we can again reuse / recycle.
We will then utilise the bikes, some will be sold at affordable prices to generate long term sustainability for the project and some will be donated to a variety of partners and people. This initially includes young people at the The Urban Fitness Collective youth project, to use for travel to school / college, fun rides, local employment projects to enable clients to use for travel to interviews, travel to work when employed etc. We aim to sell bikes over the year to fund projects and also aim to donate 30+ a year bikes to worthy causes.